Ez36:22-32 The Wanderers (3/5)
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# The Wanderers ## Ezekiel 36:22-32 (3/5) [San Diego, US. Tyler Mullins](https://unsplash.com/photos/Zldz46wahbE "caption") >>> --- # **How** do I change? [###](#/outline "secret") >>> + want magic **5-steps** to a better you + but **no** power to change self + lasting change starts from **heart** + only **God** can do that + change of **heart**: humble before Him + change of **values**: priorities, what is important + change of **actions** / speech, over time + change of **habits** --- | 1. What must I change? |
[ch16:](# "ref") *Princess* [(identity)](# "ref")
| | --- | --- | | 2. Who will help me? |
[ch34:](# "ref") *Shepherds* [(leadership)](# "ref")
| | 3. **How do I change?** |
[ch36:](# "ref") *Wanderers* [(God's work)](# "ref")
| | 4. Am I beyond hope? |
[ch37:](# "ref") *Dry Bones* [(new life)](# "ref")
| | 5. If others won't change? |
[ch33:](# "ref") *Watchman* [(missions)](# "ref")
| [Bad Pyrmont, Germany. Sebastian Unrau](https://unsplash.com/photos/sp-p7uuT0tw "caption") >>> + (1) know **self**: + baby kicking in **blood** + rescued + **blessed** by God + **proud**, addicted to **affirmation** + **humbled** by forgiveness + (2a) for **sheep**: + trust real **Shepherd** + don't **push** aside weaker sheep + (2b) for **shepherds**: + only **caretakers**, not rulers + weak, sick, injured, strays, lost + (3) **process** of change --- ## The Wanderers [(Ez36)](# "ref") 1. **Healing** [(v24-25)](# "ref") 1. **Heart** and **Home** [(v26-30)](# "ref") 1. **Humility** [(v31-32)](# "ref") >>> + all **actions** / promises God does + not **we** fixing selves + bring us **home** + cleanse / **free** us from old life + **Spirit** gives **strength** to change + good **memory** the key to **humility** + remember our **sins** + how much God has **forgiven** --- I will ... **gather** you from all the countries
and bring you into your **own land**. [Ezekiel 36:24 (ESV)](# "ref") [Highclere Castle, UK](https://unsplash.com/photos/c8ET5XvBwnU "caption") >>> + Israel in **exile** + Canaan **promised** land + **scattered**, unstable, homeless + from **own** pride (harlot, ch16) + or lack of good **shepherds** (ch34) + God **sees** and **seeks** lost sheep + establishes a **home** for homeless --- I will sprinkle **clean water** on you,
and you shall be clean from all your **uncleannesses**,
and from all your **idols** I will cleanse you. [Ezekiel 36:25 (ESV)](# "ref") [Litchfield Park, Australia. Andy Fitzsimon](https://unsplash.com/photos/w8g2vws1VBQ "caption") >>> + **idols**: what we put **above** God + e.g. family w/$$ **jade** idol + when **unwilling** to destroy, + **Satan** attacked + not that **jade** is evil + Satan saw **opportunity** + **know** not pleasing to God + unwilling to **yield** + what are **our** idols? + edu / **career**: not for **recognition** + but to **serve** others + **subordinate** to God + rltnshp / **family**: not for our **comfort** + but to **love** others + as **Christ** loves us + "God, how should I **parent**?" + "God, how do I find a **mate**?" + if these are **not** subordinate to God + they become **idols** to us --- If we say we have **no sin**, we **deceive** ourselves,
and the **truth** is not in us. [9](# "ref") If we **confess** our sins,
he is **faithful** and just to **forgive** us our sins
and to **cleanse** us from all unrighteousness [1 John 1:8-9 (ESV)](# "ref") [Plattenkogel, Austria. Lukas Budimaier](https://unsplash.com/photos/6cY-FvMlmkQ "caption") >>> + **admit** these **jewels** from God + have become **idols** to us + **pride**: control own life + **yield** control to God + edu / career **objective** + desire to be **married** + desire to have **children** + but if I **refuse** to admit sin + cling to **pride** + v8 **fooling** myself + v10 make **God** out to be a **liar** --- # Do I **want** God to remove my **idols**? >>> + worked **hard** for, sacrificed for + believe they give us **value** + idol of **anger**: indignation of **victim** + **familiar** response + illusion of **control** + hard to **let go** of our sins! --- ## The Wanderers [(Ez36)](# "ref") 1. Healing [(v24-25)](# "ref") 1. **Heart and Home** [(v26-30)](# "ref") 1. Humility [(v31-32)](# "ref") --- And I will give you a **new heart**,
and a **new spirit** I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of **stone**
from your flesh
and give you a heart of **flesh**. [Ezekiel 36:26 (ESV)](# "ref") [Mayur Gala](https://unsplash.com/photos/2PODhmrvLik "caption") >>> + not (my life) + (Christ) + entirely **new** heart + **stone**: afraid of getting **hurt** + our **Creator** is strong enough to rescue + our **Saviour** loves us more than any other + ⇒ **flesh**: come **alive** + **strength** to change our habits: + secret **superpower**: --- And I will put my **Spirit** within you,
and cause you to **walk** in my statutes
and be careful to **obey** my rules. [Ezekiel 36:27 (ESV)](# "ref") [Orange County, US. Samantha Sophia](https://unsplash.com/photos/NaWKMlp3tVs "caption") >>> + **Holy Spirit** is the spirit of Christ + **Immanuel**: God with us + **walk**: daily habits, regular routine + **obey**: heart of **humility** + but not just **one-time** transformation: + daily **walk** in step w/Spirit: --- But I say, **walk** by the Spirit, and you will
not gratify the desires of the **flesh**. [17](# "ref") For the desires of the **flesh**
are against the **Spirit**,
and the desires of the Spirit
are **against** the flesh, for these are **opposed** to each other,
to keep you from **doing**
the things you **want** to do. [Galatians 5:16-17 (ESV)](# "ref") >>> + **tension** / struggle: + **want** to do good + but **unable** to do so + not fully **free** til body of sin done + but daily keep **in step** w/Spirit + "what do You want me to work on **today**?" + God not **high** in heaven + but **alongside** to sustain + **indwelling** to strengthen + but I'm so **tired** of trying to be good + my bad **habits** are so ingrained + is Spirit really **able** to change me? --- If the **Spirit** of him who
**raised** Jesus from the dead **dwells** in you, he who **raised** Christ Jesus from the dead
will also give **life** to your mortal **bodies**
through his **Spirit** who dwells in you. [Romans 8:11 (ESV)](# "ref") [Iceland. Davide Cantelli](https://unsplash.com/photos/H3giJcTw__w "caption") >>> + **body**: of sin, selfish, lustful + but **redeemed** by Spirit + not just far off in **heaven** + even right **now** + Spirit **empowers** us to walk in rightsns + Is the Spirit **strong** enough? + He **raised** Jesus from dead! + new **spirit** also invites us into + new **home**: --- and you shall be **my people**,
and I will be **your God**. [Ezekiel 36:28 (ESV)](# "ref") [Ales Krivec](https://unsplash.com/photos/ywtbSuCSjhM "caption") >>> + **identity**: people of God + **relationship**: my people, my God + not just **abstract** God + what I **know** about + but **my** God + **teens**: parents' faith ⇒ own + from unwanted **orphans** + to **belonging** to God's family: --- I will also have **compassion**
on her who had **not** obtained compassion, And I will say to those who were **not My people**,
‘You are **My people**!’ And they will say, ‘You are **my God**!’ [Hosea 2:23 (NASB)](# "ref") [Los Angeles. Edwin Andrade](https://unsplash.com/photos/6liebVeAfrY "caption") >>> + Lo-Ruhamah, Lo-Ammi --- # What does the **Holy Spirit** do in us? >>> + **changes** heart of **stone** to **flesh** + **opposes** desires of flesh + **strengthens** us to obey God + **reminds** us of new **identity** + as people of God --- ## The Wanderers [(Ez36)](# "ref") 1. Healing [(v24-25)](# "ref") 1. Heart and Home [(v26-30)](# "ref") 1. **Humility** [(v31-32)](# "ref") --- Then you will **remember** your evil ways,
and your **deeds** that were not good, and you will **loathe** yourselves
for your iniquities and your abominations. [Ezekiel 36:31 (ESV)](# "ref") [Ian Espinosa](https://unsplash.com/photos/oXo6IvDnkqc "caption") >>> + secret to true **humility**: + good **memory**! + remember unwanted **baby** kicking in blood + remember **pride** in own beauty / blessings + remember being selfish **shepherd** + or arrogant **sheep** + God saves us **not** bc we're **deserving**: --- It is not for **your sake** that I will act,
declares the Lord God;
let that be known to you. Be **ashamed** and **confounded** for your ways,
O house of Israel! [Ezekiel 36:32 (ESV)](# "ref") [Thailand. Dominik QN](https://unsplash.com/photos/9gGQvhC4PEY "caption") >>> + why? so we will **know** that + He is the **LORD** our God + **remembering** this keeps us + in right **rltn** w/God + **humble** + reliant on His grace + **walking** in step w/Spirit --- For **godly grief** produces a **repentance**
that leads to salvation without **regret**, whereas **worldly** grief produces **death** [2 Corinthians 7:10](# "ref") [Ben White](https://unsplash.com/photos/bEbqpPeHEM4 "caption") >>> + 1Cor pretty **harsh**: church messed up + **factions** / personality cult + how exercise **gifts** + **sexual** immorality + even holy **communion** wrong + church **grieved**: not always smiley happy + led to **repentance** + by 2Cor, tho Paul hasn't seen in **person** + but has **heard** of their repentance + other **cities** seen the change + **good grief** leads us to repentance + e.g., how often have we **dads** apologised? + e.g. reunion trip to **zoo** + all **tired**, last to leave + **dad** blows up + later in car, **apologies**: + "it's ok", "no, it's **not**" + grief ⇒ **change** + empowered by **Spirit** --- # How do I **react** when I'm proven **wrong**? >>> + **downplay** the wrong: no big deal + **counterattack**: you're no better + impute **ill intent**: fine, happy now? + **withdraw** in fear: never try again + wallow **self-pity**: can't do right + ⇒ godly grief ⇒ **repentance** + change **direction** + **empowered** by Spirit indwelling + one **step** at a time: keep in step + that's how we get **lasting** change! ---